Monday, June 11, 2012

Why Pre-Race Carb Dinners Should Be "Pre-Race" Only

Penne Chicken Ala Vodka

I've gained over 3 pounds since Friday despite racing on Saturday and then running 10 miles on Sunday.  Maybe more, but I've stayed away from the scale today.

I believe the penne chicken ala vodka that The Murph made for me for my pre-race carb dinner is the culprit.

The Murph's comment was, "You were feasting on that shit man!"

Not only did I have a plate full of this stuff on Friday night (pre-race), but I had huge plate fulls of leftovers on Saturday and Sunday.

I 've had enough carbs the past three days to have enough glycogen stores to do back to back Ironman/Marathon/Marathon/sprint tri/5k run without running out of fuel.  Ok, that's exaggerating, but I'm feeling a little bloaty right about now.  Think I'll stay away from pasta for a while.

The Murph does make the best chicken ala vodka in the world.  No exaggerating.   He copied it from my favorite dish at Bellini's, a local restaurant here in Birmingham owned by a guy who I swear looks like Newman on Seinfeld.  Kind of freaky!  Bellini's also has the best pomegranate martini ever as well as the best penne chicken ala vodka ever - second only to The Murph.

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