Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Murph Day!

Tomorrow is the Murph, my fiance's birthday.  You may think this is obvious, but I know exactly how old he's going to be and what year he was born because we had a little disagreement on how old he told me he was when we first met compared to how old he really was.  He insists he told me his true age when we first met and that I just heard him wrong and then when his birthday rolled around and I was wishing him a happy ___ birthday when really it was a happy ____ birthday, he just didn't bother to correct me.

When he finally corrected me, I didn't believe him.  Not only did I not believe him, but he had to whip out his driver's license to prove to me how old he really is.  Then I was left shaking my head and wondering how could I have gotten it so dang wrong!  Seven years wrong!

 We still haven't agreed on exactly how that happened.  He insists he told me his true age, but I'm still a little suspicious.  I guess it doesn't matter at this point since we've been engaged for over a year and I've seen his driver's license now so I know how old he is.  Name and social security number (not really ss#- I just like the way Angelina Jolie says that in Mr. and Mrs. Smith and then Brad Pitt says "no, your not going to kill her.")

We are celebrating the Murph's birthday today.  He's always celebrated it on the 4th of July since he was a kid.  He didn't want a birthday cake and told me if I wanted birthday cake I could get one for me to eat, but he wasn't going to eat it.  I love cake, but this is his birthday, not mine.  The month of May was pig out on cake month because The Boy and I both have May birthdays.

The Murph likes to eat healthier so I decided to make a blueberry pie and homemade ice cream.  Fruit plus calcium.  Healthy, right?  And he loves blueberries and ice cream.  It was the first time I've made blueberry pie so I hope it tastes okay.  The entire house smells delicious. Click for here for pie recipe.

The Murph thinks all those fireworks, bbq's and parties are in honor of his birthday.  I haven't broken the news to him that everyone does those things to celebrate the birthday of our nation, not just his birthday.  He would be absolutely crushed if he knew the truth.

So Happy Murph Day!


  1. honor of his birthday. I haven't broken the news to him that everyone does those things

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks! Wonder why your comments always end up in the spam folder. Maybe you're being censored by Google cause you don't have pants. Just a theory...

  3. That pie looks so freaking amazing! Please post recipe and I promise I will forever refer to the 4th of July as Happy Murph Day.

    1. It was delicious. I got the recipe from I've had really good luck with recipes from that website. Here's the link to the blueberry pie recipe. This is the second try. I hope it works this time.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. That link didn't work here. I will put it on the blog post.
