Friday, September 30, 2011

Travel Day and A Visit With The Boy

Busy travel day yesterday.  After two days at home catching up, running errands, etc we headed back to the coast with a little stop to see the Boy and take him to dinner.  He looks like he needs more sleep.  He says he has been getting about 4 hours of sleep at night.  Not enough!  He is doing good though other than the sleep.  I had to clean the bathroom in his dorm room.  Sorry couldn't control myself.  It just needed cleaning!

I ran with the Running Nazi Wednesday evening about 5 miles and Thursday morning at 6 am about 6 or 7 miles. (hey, 6 at 6!).  I also went to the gym both days and got on the exercise bike for about 30 minutes.  Today I slept late and then went to the gym and did 15 minutes on the bike and then swam about 800 yds.  I am as ready for the race tomorrow as I am going to be.  Picked up my race packet this afternoon.  The place is packed with triathletes!


  1. good luck with the race tomorrow! will be thinking of you. :)
    today at spin, i decided the only way i'm going to build strength is to focus more on resistance and less (til i get stronger) on cadence. i tend to have bursts of energy- i like to spin really fast and get anaerobic for a few moments, heart rate way up there- so the increased resistance for 45 minutes of class was a real challenge. will see how i feel tomorrow (i'd better be sore!)
    glad to hear you're back on the coast!

  2. didn't mean cadence...i meant to say i focused less on *speed*.
